At-Home Soccer Activity #8
Agility Ladders
Body Weight Exercise
Soccer Drill
Before doing this activity as permission first and make sure you are in an open and safe space.
Agility Ladders
- Using cans, water bottles, plastic cups etc. set up 3 of them in a straight line with about a foot of space apart. Starting at the first object take 2 steps in between each set as fast as you can until you get to the last one. Once you have pasted the final object take 2 more quick steps and jog back to the first one backwards along the side. Repeat 10 times and try to gradually build up speed.
Body Weight Exercise
- Place forearms on the floor with elbows aligned below shoulders and arms parallel to your body at about shoulder width. If flat palms bother your wrists, clasp your hands together. Ground your toes into the floor and hold the position for as long as possible. As you get more comfortable try to increase the amount of time you hold the plank.
Soccer Drill
Before doing this activity as permission first and make sure you are in an open and safe space.
- If you can go outside use a soccer ball, however if you are inside try creating a sock ball and use that for this drill (See Session/Activity 1 on how to make a sock ball). You will also need a bucket, basket, or empty bin anything that you can throw your ball into and is low to the ground.
- Create a clear indication of where your “Out of Bounds” line will be and place your bin a few feet in front of that.
- Pick up the ball with both hands and try to make a “W” with your hands
- Bring the ball up and over your head and release the ball with a forward flick of the wrists.
- Try to throw your ball into the basket a few times in a row.
- Throw-ins are part of every soccer game and being able to complete a proper throw-in is essential. Try to see how many accurate throw ins you can do. Once you are more comfortable, move your bin further back for more of a challenge.
Watch Coach David do these activities on YouTube!