At-Home Soccer Activity #6
10 repetitions of each:
Body Weight Exercise
Star Jumps
Soccer Drill
Pull Back/Reverse
Inside/Outside Dribbling
10 repetitions of each:
- Shoulder Raises- Using your soccer ball or a light weighted object, stand with your feet facing forward hold the object out in front of you with your arms extended. Bring it down to your waist slowly and then raise back up and leveled with your shoulders.
- Side leg Raises – Start with your hands out in front of you or resting on your hips. Stand upright with your toes facing forward. As you lift your right leg up off the floor, inhale and shift the weight into your left foot. As you exhale, bring the leg back down to meet the left. Extend your right arm overhead and let your left arm relax at your side. Now do the same for the left leg.
- Toe Taps- Start by lifting the knee and touch the top of the ball with your toes. Now take that leg down and lift the other leg to touch the top of the ball with your other toes. Keep repeating this. At first you will be slow, but with more practice you will pick up speed. If you have a partner during the drill, they can touch one side of the ball with their toes while you do toe taps on the other half of the ball.
Body Weight Exercise
Star Jumps
- Start in a quarter squat position with your back flat, feet together, and palms touching the sides of your lower legs.
- Jump up, raising your arms and legs out to your sides like a star.
- Land softly with your feet together and immediately lower yourself back into the starting position.
- Focus on jumping high enough and try to do them 10 times.
Soccer Drill
Pull Back/Reverse
- A pullback is executed by placing the bottom of the foot on the ball, rolling it (or flicking it) backward, and turning with it. It is a way to quickly change and reverse direction. Using water bottles (or whatever your using for markers) try to do as many pull backs you can between them within 30 seconds.
Inside/Outside Dribbling
- Using one foot, dribble the soccer ball back and forth first with the inside of your foot then the outside. Make sure to make an extra step and move your whole body with the rotation of the ball. Start slow and gradually build up speed, try practicing with each foot!
- Balance on one foot and using the other foot, roll the soccer ball in a circle around the foot you are balancing on. Try a few rotations and when you are comfortable balance on your other foot.
Watch Coach David do these activities on YouTube!