At-Home Soccer Activity #5
10 repetitions of each:
Side Bends
Ski Hops
Body Weight Exercise
Soccer Drill
Receiving with a teammate
Wall Ball
10 repetitions of each:
Side Bends
- Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart. Slowly lean to the right just to the point where a gentle stretch is felt along the left side of your waist while keeping your left arm in the air. Pause for a second, and then in one slow movement and keeping yourself from twisting, return to an upright position and to the left side, contracting the left side muscles of the waist. Repeat for 10 repetitions on each side.
Ski Hops
- Simple hoping workout with your feet close together and hop from left to right and quick as possible for 10 seconds. Then hop forward and backwards for another 10 seconds.
- Stand with your feet more than hip-width apart and your toes facing forward. Extend your right arm overhead and let your left arm relax at your side. Angle your left foot outward, drive your weight into your right heel and begin shifting your right hip outward to the right. Turn your head and lock your eyes on your right hand. Continue thrusting your hip outward, bend your left knee slightly and let your left-hand track along your left leg until your fingertips touch the floor. Try the same with both hands and repeat 10 times.
Body Weight Exercise
- Keep your body straight, with your shoulders back and relaxed and chin up (pick a point to stare at in front of you so you don't keep looking down).
- Step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle, not pushed out too far, and make sure your other knee doesn't touch the floor. Keep the weight in your heels as you push back up to the starting position.
- Try your best to not lean sideways and repeat exercise 10 times on each leg.
Soccer Drill
Receiving with a teammate
- If you have someone at home who can assist you with this drill like a sibling or parent ask them to help improve your soccer skills! With your partner, pass the soccer ball back and forth at a comfortable distance and start with simple stops (stop the ball with the bottom of your foot) when the pass is coming your way. After a few of these take a few steps back and try receiving with the inside of you foot. This will give you a chance to take a controlled dribble and make a quicker pass. If you want more of a challenge, try using your non- dominate foot.
Wall Ball
- This soccer drill will allow you to work on both delivery and receiving of the ball during a pass. And instead of relying on the help of a partner, you can do this drill by yourself with the help of a wall. Try to choose a wall that has a consistent bounce and is sturdy enough to take on the pass, ask permission first before you try this drill.
- Start by sending the ball toward the wall with one kick hard enough to bring it all the way back on the return. When the ball is coming back receive it by stopping it with the bottom of your foot. After a few tries switch to using the inside of your foot to settle the ball and then take one dribble sideways and pass again.
The next move of the drill will involve a crossover between the settle and the pass. You will begin this part of the drill with the right foot, sending the ball toward the wall with the right, and then receiving and settling the return with the left foot. After touching the ball to stop its movement with the left, try crossing it over to the right and repeat the move again, passing the ball with a controlled tap of the instep of the right foot.
The final part of the drill, try to pick up the pace by eliminating the stops or settles and using direct touches to return the ball to the wall at each rep. Begin this exercise with the right foot, sending the ball into the pass with the instep of the right foot. As the ball returns from the wall don’t stop it but simply send it back again with the right instep. Try all these drills with both feet and see how much you improve!
Watch Coach David do these activities on YouTube!