At-Home Soccer Activity #4
10 repetitions of each:
Body Weight Exercise
Soccer Drill
10 repetitions of each:
- High Knees - Start standing with feet hip-distance apart. Lift up right knee as high as it will go and raise the opposite arm, then switch quickly so left knee is up before right foot lands.
- Butt Kicks - Start standing tall and bring one heel off the floor towards your butt, the opposite hand comes up towards you shoulder like running arms, then switch to the other side.
- Arm Circles - Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms. Circle your arms forward using small motions, gradually making the circles bigger. Reverse the direction of the circles for another 10 seconds
Body Weight Exercise
- Balancing- Make sure you are in an open and safe area before beginning this exercise. Try to keep your arms out and focus on something else around you.
- Start with a simple one leg balance for however long you feel comfortable with or as long you can. Then switch to the other leg for the same amount of time.
- When you are confident in your balancing skills try again but this time try moving the foot that is off the ground in different directions (Forward, Backwards, Sideways and finish with some light leg kicks).
- If you are still looking for a challenge, try bending over forwards while on one foot. Keep your back foot raised and your arms out for more stability.
Soccer Drill
- Passing Through Cones (Or Water Bottles!) – Using two small objects such as water bottles or plastic cups create a goal and stand about 10 yards away or whatever you feel comfortable with. Try passing the soccer ball through the goal with the inside of your passing foot while keeping your plant foot (non-kicking foot) facing the goal. After a few passes try moving further back or moving the cones closer together to increase the challenge level.
- Dribble Pass Relay – Using water bottles or whatever object used previously, create or line or relay a few yards ahead of the goal. Dribble through the relay in a zig zag formation and when you get to the end, pass the soccer ball through the goal. After some practice add more water bottles or move the goal further back. This drill will improve your dribbling and passing skills at the same time!
Watch Coach David do these activities on YouTube!