At-Home Soccer Activity #2
10 repetitions of each:
Body Weight Exercise
Shoulder Shrugs
Start with your feet flat on the floor, in a standing position. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.
With your arms at your sides, turn your palms to face each other.
Bend your knees slightly so that they line up with (not past) your toes. Keep your chin up, facing straight ahead, and your neck straight.
While you inhale, bring your shoulders as high up toward your ears as you can. Do the movement nice and slowly.
Lower your shoulders back down and breathe out before repeating the movement
Soccer Drill
One Bounce Juggling
Using a soccer ball or a ball made of rolled up socks hold it out and drop it so it bounces.
Once the ball is moving up from the bounce, kick the ball up with the top of your foot and then catch it.
Take your time and keep track of how many you can do and when you feel comfortable with that then try using your other foot!
10 repetitions of each:
- High Knees - Start standing with feet hip-distance apart. Lift up your right knee as high as it will go and raise the opposite arm, then switch quickly so the left knee is up before the right foot lands.
- Butt Kicks - Start standing tall and bring one heel off the floor towards your butt, the opposite hand comes up towards your shoulder like running arms, then switch to the other side.
- Jumping Jacks - Start standing up with your legs together, a slight bend in knees, and hands resting on thighs. Keeping the knees bent, open the arms and legs out to the sides. Arms come above the head and legs wider than shoulders. Close your arms and legs back to your sides, returning to your start.
- Arm Circles - Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms. Circle your arms forward using small motions, gradually making the circles bigger. Reverse the direction of the circles for another 10 seconds.
Body Weight Exercise
Shoulder Shrugs
Start with your feet flat on the floor, in a standing position. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.
With your arms at your sides, turn your palms to face each other.
Bend your knees slightly so that they line up with (not past) your toes. Keep your chin up, facing straight ahead, and your neck straight.
While you inhale, bring your shoulders as high up toward your ears as you can. Do the movement nice and slowly.
Lower your shoulders back down and breathe out before repeating the movement
Soccer Drill
One Bounce Juggling
Using a soccer ball or a ball made of rolled up socks hold it out and drop it so it bounces.
Once the ball is moving up from the bounce, kick the ball up with the top of your foot and then catch it.
Take your time and keep track of how many you can do and when you feel comfortable with that then try using your other foot!
Watch our SCORES friends in New York do this activity on YouTube!