At-Home Soccer Activity #10
10 Repetitions of Each
Jumping Jacks
Body Weight Exercise
Mountain Climbers
Soccer Drill
Robbin Hood
10 Repetitions of Each
Jumping Jacks
- Start standing up with your legs together, a slight bend in knees, and hands resting on thighs. Keeping the knees bent, open the arms and legs out to the sides. Arms come above the head and legs wider than shoulders. Close your arms and legs back to your sides, returning to your start.
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms. Circle your arms forward using small motions, gradually making the circles bigger. Reverse the direction of the circles for another 10 seconds.
- Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart. Slowly lean to the right just to the point where a gentle stretch is felt along the left side of your waist while keeping your left arm in the air. Pause for a second, and then in one slow movement and keeping yourself from twisting, return to an upright position and to the left side, contracting the left side muscles of the waist. Repeat for 10 repetitions on each side.
Body Weight Exercise
Mountain Climbers
- Grab a small and light object and hold it up against your chest.
- Stand with your feet slightly wider than hips-width apart and toes pointed slightly out.
- Pin your elbows to your rib cage and hold the weight right under your chin.
- Keeping your arms close to your chest and elbows pointing down, bend your hips and knees to lower your body as far as you can slowly.
- When you are in your deepest squat, pause for two seconds, then stand back up to the starting position. That is one rep, try to do as many as you can.
Soccer Drill
Robbin Hood
- Set up a 10- 15 feet “track”. At the start place a bucket, box, or small area to place objects in. At the end of the track place a few cones, cups, toys etc. this is going to be the “gold” that the player will collect.
- Let the player know they are all Robin Hoods who are trying to collect gold and place it in their safe area.
- Robin Hoods dribble towards the gold as quickly as they can by collecting one piece at a time and dribbling back to place it in their bucket. Try timing the player so they can beat their high score and improve their speed.
- After a few rounds of this and seeing improvement in their time, add cones or any form of obstacle that they must dribble around to create more of challenge. These cones can symbolize guards that they must avoid, if they “hit” a guard they must restart. See how much gold you can collect quickly, Good Luck!
Watch Coach David do these activities on YouTube!